hip hop from the 80's.
i am SUCH a chick from the 80's. seriously. i can remember it like it was yesterday. i went through middle school and high school in the 80's. i had my collar turned up, my jeans cuffed tight (peg leg), my arms adorned with jelly bracelets, my neon bright, and my hair big. and there was a period, in about 6th grade, when i thought i was a valley girl (although living in maryland). like omigawd! gag me with a spoon. :)
btw, my hair dresser tells me that big hair is coming back....which is PR-ITTY exciting for me. i am pushing the envelop as it is anyway. :)
after my blog, pop over to wendy's:
notebook paper
super fun layout!!
LOL! Another hysterical layout! and I can so relate to ALL of it :) and the Valley Girl thing, yup! I carried my Valley Girl book (and my aquanet)around in my neon purse everywhere I went! haha!
OMGosh! I just love this fun page.
Ha.. I love it!! I think I could sit all day and read all your layouts. Your kids are going to treasure these.. "like totally!!" hugsxx
Oh how I remember my 80's days at middle school and the beginning of high school!! I pinned my jeans n curled my hair to poof it out too!!! Totally relate.... Oh your page brings back memories!! I still remember my favorite pair of maroon leg warmers n dancing around my basement to true blue and m. Jackson's thriller!!!
I "like totally" LAWVE this!!! I actually moved to Texas in the middle of my valley stage (yeah from NEBRASKA!!!!!) they didn't know what to think of me!!! People actually thought I was from California! it was totally awesome ya know!!
LOVE IT! OH 80s man, gotta love it! You have me crackin up cuz I remember all to well!
oh 80s girl.. you crack me up! love your layout... hope your birthday was... like... gnarly!! :)
I grew up in the eighties too. Its fun to go back and visit, but I don't know if I can do the "BIG" hair again.
ahhh, to cute! love your LO - i remember the "peg leg" cuff!!! hahaha, my bro did it all.the.time. all i remember is the bad hair....that i thought was good at the time. LOL!!!!
Just so you know - I NEVER left the 80's - big hair ROCKS. LOL
Great layout!!
Like totally!!!! Love the 80's but I don't think I want my big hair back.!
Very cute. I'm not a fan of big hair, but to each her own.....go for it!
As always, amazing layout...I too am an 80's girl. You know you owned some jelly shoes and a matching jelly bag too!
SO love your funny layout!
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