history of the erickson christmas card:
so, in 2003, i thought it would be fun to send a different kind of christmas card (sorry ron's mom!). luckily, my conservative husband was on board and the kids really had no choice. it has become quite the tradition and expected event for family and friends. here's a list of past cards:
year 1: have a white trash christmas (this was my favorite and will be revisited again in the future :) )
year 2: have a groovy christmas (70's style)
year 3: have a "napoleon dynamite" christmas (here i learned ron does a kick ass napoleon impression and i loved him even more)
year 4: rockin' around the christmas tree (80's hair band, LOVED doing the big hair again. megan, on the other hand, cried, "why can't we have a normal family like every body else?!?!")
year 5: ho ho ho and a bottle of rum (pirates)
year six: see above
so there ya have it! leave me a comment of YOUR favorite christmas tradition and you will have the chance of winning some unity stamps (i have a recipe set to give away and some random ones). it's better than the prices is right!!!
begin hip hop here: http://www.theunitystampco.blogspot.com/
AFTER my blog, go here:
have a super christmas!
deck the halls
knocked out people: http://www.unitystampco.com/stamps/793-uk__320a_middle_school_madness
circle lined stamp: http://www.unitystampco.com/stamps/171-kit_uk145w_road_trip
worn grid (IF YOU DON'T HAVE THIS STAMP, GET ONE!!!): http://www.unitystampco.com/stamps?search=worn+grid
I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS!!! What an awesome tradition!!!! Fabulous picture - I think you should post the past year's just for fun!!!
I love Christmas and everything about it! My little one is only 2 so we are still working on building our family traditions!! The best thing about Christmas every year though is time spent with family!!
what a fun and unique Christmas card!
LOVE your picture...we also do a holiday photo..always a bit zany..and unique....TFS! this is super!
Oh my heavens this is a cute and awesome layout! What a cute picture, looks like a fun family!!
I just love the tradition of getting tigether with family every year for christmas!
Now that is too funny girl! Love that picture, and great layout too!
Very creative!
I love your card tradition! Fabulous idea! My favorite Christmas tradition would probably be getting together with my mom and my sister and baking cookies.
How stinkin' cute is this!!!! LOVE it! What a great tradition! :)
This is awesome Jen! You guys rock!
Your layout is awesome....so much fun!!! Happy holidays!
Okay, I think I say this every week! But here goes, "That's hilarious!". I love the non-traditional take on the photo! My favorite Christmas tradition is wearing Santa hats all day long at my Mom's house. She even got one to fit my daughter when she was 7 months old! Oh yeah and she makes festive collars for my dogs to wear, too!
This layout is fabulous!!! I just love your take of Deck the Hall! This is one creative layout.
Happy Hip Hop Holiday to you and your fam.
Another awesome Christmas Card and what a great LO! My fav tradition is on Christmas Eve we read A Soldier's Night Before Christmas and the Polar Express with just the tree lights on. We remember those families who have Mommies and Daddies far away from home during the holidays.
Oh that is too freakin' awesome! I LOVE it! We don't really have many traditions yet. About the only one is I give a gift to EVERYONE in the family. They're a ton of us so most of the family draws names.
Hahahaha!! Too stinking cute! I LOVE it too! What an awesome tradition and Megan one year will look back and be telling her kids all about it! LOL!
My favorite tradition is just being with family. Its just me and my brothers and one sister now, so we make a point of making sure at Christmas we get together!
lol - super photo!!! Great LO - tfs
Hmmm...One thing that I do with my oldest and now the little ones is we always purchase one of those $9.99 pre-fab gingerbread houses and decorate it.
Great tradition!!
What a great card - so fun!
My favorite tradition is our famous Ice Cream Sundae bar on either Christmas or Christmas Eve.
Okay that is a hoot! I love it!
oh Jen you are kick @$$ :) HEHE... love all our creative ideas! hope you have a wonderful holiday with your family! my fav. family tradition is giving out one present on Christmas Eve!
Sooo cute and funny! My favorite Christmas tradition when we were kids was getting up really early on Christmas morning and jumping into the back of the truck and going to my grandma's house, 2 1/2 hours away. We always opened our presents on Christmas Eve because we left early on Christmas morning!
Your Christmas card is hilarious! Our traditions are boring in comparison. Just the usual cutting down christmas tree, christmas cookie days, etc.
OMGosh this is too too funny!!! I love it!!!! My hubby would get a kick out of this!
My fave tradition is letting the boys open one present Christmas Eve - pjs to wear to bed! We are a young family so still working on building traditions.
What a fun card! Happy Holidays!!! :)
That is just HILARIOUS! you are so funny!
My favorite holiday tradition right now, is starting to make new ones with my girls. They are still little, but my 2 1/2 year old is getting it. We are having fun, picking out the tree, decorating, wrapping, and then making cookies for santa!
opps forgot the tradition part...Going to Church on Christmas eve...Thanks...
OMG Jen i freakin love it! that is so awesome! your kids will look back and laugh and love it to someday! one of our traditions is Christmas caroling though the neighbor hood! we've been doing that for 25 years now! my grandma started it!
what a HOOT!!! ♥love♥ your Christmas card!!!
my favorite christmas tradition is decorating the christmas tree and having all those twinkiling lights shinning all day long. have a very merry christmas.
OMG, that is just hysterical!! I think my favourite tradition is the Christmas stockings. You just never know what might be in one of them.
I started a tradition of being online and chatting with those that don't have family to visit or have around. It started with a few of my personal IM friends. This year I will include my scs friends.
Oh I LOVE this!!
Jen--LOVE the idea for fun Christmas pics!!! Can we PLEASE see the past years' ones? :-)
That is AWESOME!
Our tradition is opening pj's the night before Christmas and wearing them to sleep in and ALL day the next day! We have pictures every year of our pj's on Christmas.
very fun card!!
My favorite Xmas tradition is driving around to look at holiday lights.
Looks like you have a lot of fun in your family! :) My favorite Christmas tradition is going to sing carols at church on Christmas Eve.
LOL, I love your Christmas card! It would be a great one to receive every year. My fav Christmas tradition is making a gingerbread house with my daughter every year.
This is FABULOUS!! What an awesome and creative idea.
My favorite Christmas tradition is exchanging ornaments with my mom. We each buy each other one every year and it is so fun to see what we pick out or make for each other. It is something we have done since I first left home and I look forward to it every year.
FANTASTIC blog candy. Thank you so much for the opportunity!!
fun tradition...
ours is to open gifts around 1:30 am & go to Waffle House after... it started when the kids were young & my big kid hubby couldn't wait one year to get the Super Nintendo system & play a Mario game..... we've kept it up... crazy tradition but it's us
I think that is an awesome card tradition.
I think my most favorite Christmas tradition is laying under the tree watching all the pretty lights after we have just set it up. The kids love doing this also.
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
this is awesome its really great to have a change in pace for cards :D
That card is hilarious! My favorite tradition would have to be the mini advent devotionals that we have every night.
youre so funny...thats hysterical! I would love to receive your chrismtas cards, every year we would wonder what the next one would be! My favorite tradition is baking cookies with my mom. =) Hope you have a happy & healthy holiday!
What a fun way to do your cards! And a neat little tradition :)
I don't know if we have any traditions that are set in stone, but on my side of the family, we do have a traditional Norwegian lunch on boxing day every year. With our kids, we always go somewhere to get the tree, but the location varies from the local gas station to the middle of nowhere. Thanks for sharing Jen!!
How cute, clever and hysterical!!
I totally love it!
Love the card (and the ideas from past years). What a fun tradition - I wish it was ours!!
I'm still giggling! I think my favorite holiday tradition is our Christmas Eve Brunch that I hostess.
OMG this looks like too much FUN!!! Your family is obviously way FUNer than my family . . . as far as traditions go we have clam chowder at my parents on Christmas Eve and Strawberry Eggnog french toast on Christmas morning here at home. Seems like most of our traditions are focused on food! LOL :D
That picture and layout is so much fun!!!
My fav Christmas tradition is spending time with Family. We have a HUGE extended family (LOTS of cousins and 2nd cousins) and try to see as many as possible during Christmas time.
Happy Holidays!!!
My favorite tradition is hosting Christmas Eve dinner for us and our extended family--it's lots of work but so fun. Love your card!!
What an awesome idea for xmas cards!! Love it!
One of our favorite xmas traditions is driving through our local Avenue of Lights. It's an amazing light display set up at a local park and it's magical!
LOVE this holiday card. Oh, that's classic!
Hysterical! I love Christmas cards like this! Have a safe Christmas!
Great idea! What a fun way to spread holiday cheer! Santa would be laughing himself! Ho Ho Ho Hip Hop!
Ohhh how fun!! What a special memory and fun layout!!
this is freaking awesome! HIP HOP
Too cute- you are a RIOT, Jen!! Love it!
you are just too much fun! I love the card idea. hmmmm, my favorite tradition has to be our trip the Cinci Museum Center to see the trains. The boys are train fanatics and this is a great way to kick off the HOliday festivities.
OMG! This is HYSTERICAL! I SOOO wish I could see your cards from the past 5 years - what a sight that must be! Thanks you for sharing that fun family tradition. We don't do anything nearly as exciting - since my boys are little for the past two years we bake cookies together the night before Christmas Eve and set then out for Santa. Since we travel on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Santa comes to our house FIRST on Christmas Eve morning and we need to make sure he has lots of cookies to start his trip! Lynn :)
hehehe you always have such fun and cool layouts! great job!
Ok, you are HILARIOUS!
Great picture - great layout! :-D
How FUN is that? My son likes your card too (he's hovering for the computer). My fav. tradition is sitting in front of the lit tree with the kids, remembering Christmases past and discussing our future wishes. HipHopHappyHolidays to you and yours!
Fun! My favorite Christmas tradition is just the order in which we do things on Christmas morning. I love that the kids have come to know and love it as much as me! :O)
Jen you are a crack up! We do something like that, though not as much work! We always take a nice pic then we all make funny faces for another one. Not everyone on my card list gets a funny face one. My favorite Christmas tradition is decorating our tree with my girls, so fun to watch them place ornaments on the tree!
I laugh everytime I read your blog!!!!! I work as a nurse in Oncology and I'm always needing a good laugh!!!!
Love your card! I want to see the others! Pretty please?
Fav. Christmas tradition: Christmas eve candlelight service at church, then we go down the hill to the river and have dinner at the best BBQ place in town.
What a great tradition!!!!
My fav is making caramel popcorn balls!!
OMG. I can't stop laughing. I think you must have posted the napolean Dynamie picture before. Too funny.
oh, you SO rock! I love your card and I wish you would post them all! I look forward to looking at your LO's every week! Oh--my favorite tradition is baking with my mom--something that I don't get to do every year anymore.
OH MY GOSH, that is hillarious!!! i think our fave is going to the tree farm.
what an awesome idea!!!
Oh man Jen.....that is the best idea EVAH!!!!!!!
Love it!
you are the COOLEST and I LOVE YOU. FAB xmas card... :) how great would it be to watch all the old relatives open these up??! hee hee..
My favorite Christmas tradition is attending midnight mass with my whole family.
Oh I wish I was part of your fun family. My favorite tradition is letting the little ones hand out the presents they feel like little Santas.
Oh my goodness this page is entirely too fun!! I love it!!
my favourite Christmas tradition is decorating the house...lighting the Advent wreath candles week by week...and going to Midnight mass. =) Oh and especially sleeping in my Christmas linens! My mother made them for us years ago and I always look forward to them!
Krusty Klaus (my FIL) visits on Xmas eve and brings everyone gag gifts. The kids call him Silly Santa!
My favorite Christmas tradition is warm cinnamon rolls and tea/coffee as we open our gifts.
yet another fabulous Christmas picture!
you have great scrapbook paper... hotwheels
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